Hello From Scotland

So, I’ve finally had the time to sit down and write something from Scotland. I’m with a friend in Glasgow, and am enjoying some downtime, where I’ve been actually able to write, smile and enjoy life.

Chasing the Angels is on target for editing this summer, so hopefully should have it out before year’s end, and Kiss the Flame to follow it about six or so months down the road.

Angel 013


Have gotten to see a fair amount of the city, and enjoyed my stay thus far. It has been a week since I touched down in the UK and I’ve spent a fair amount of it recovering from travel (being shovelled into two smaller planes like cattle doesn’t help at all) and enjoying some good books  recommended to me by my host (@Ben_Aaronovitch is an awesome author).

Hopefully will have some pictures to upload soonish, and more to write about my trip.