Things I’ve Not Written On The Page…

written things

It’s been a long time since I sat down and actually written something for the blog on the site. 

Since my dog passed away, I have been doing a lot of soul searching, and trying to decide where I should be going next, what I should be doing. 

My heart was shattered by the loss of that small, fuzzy, loving dog. More than I care to admit most days. With that happening and the fact that my father is still being treated for cancer, well, my heart is still hurting and it’s hard to focus some days. 

Introspection can be a double edged sword, and I am definitely working on getting out of my own head and back into what really matters to me. 

To answer the biggest question – will we see the follow up to A Desert Song?

Yes. I will finish the trilogy, but I am also going to be working on other things that I enjoy. You see, not to tell tales, but there was a point in life where I really enjoyed a lot of different creative endeavours, and after spending about two years being torn down by someone, I couldn’t really do much. I am thankful that I finished the bare bones of the book before this person came into my life, otherwise I’d still be trying to get it done.

I had a few years of one bad experience after another with people who had the same personality types, and issues, and I am finally making more progress. My mental health professionals are very pleased with my progress, and we’re making progress in other, non-related, areas. 

I will be bringing my Vlog to the site soon. I encountered delays because of health issues – headaches from the bowels of hell are not really something that allows you to stare at a screen or have the bright studio lights on you. 

But it was definitely time to let you all know that I’m back, and working. You’ll see the other things that I mention soon.